
Prevention & Diagnostic help

"Biomarkers promise to be the most powerful tool since the discovery of antipsychotic drugs — a biological means of predicting not only the development of a disorder but also its course and outcome. Biomarkers could therefore inform the type, timing and course of interventions, and they could allow disorders to be subtyped based on physiological criteria, creating a more personalized approach to treatments."
Singh & Rose, Nature, 2009.

How does it work?

In addition to the regular dEEG and qEEG report, we carefully selected EEG biomarkers that have been extensively studied (some biomarkers have around 50 scientific articles) and showed at least 80% specificity and 80% sensibility. It means that if the biomarker is present, il will suggest that the condition or the disorder associated is present.

A powerful prevention tool

Since biomarkers can be present before the first symptoms appear, it becomes the strongest prevention tool, and allows you to take the measures required before it is too late. Monitoring biomarkers, every month for example, will give you a unique and reliable baseline. The brain doesn't lie, and only speaks one language: we have the translator.

An objective diagnosis helper: the ADHD biomarker example

ADHD EEG biomarker has been tremendously studied and defined. Its relevance to help diagnose ADHD has also been demonstrated (i.e. Snyder et al., 2015). Its absence in clinical practice is mainly caused by the unavailability of brain imaging. With Spectre, we will measure it for you, and give you its degree of presence.

It is important to bear in mind that biomarkers should not be used in isolation to diagnose a disorder or a condition: the presence of certain EEG biomarkers can represent the vulnerability to the development of a psychological disorder, but there are many other factors which determine whether a disorder is expressed in an individual or not. Diagnoses can only be undertaken by registered and licensed health professionals.